I generally don't read forwarded mails,but this one ( From Chachajaan AKA Ashish Gupta ) was really eye opening, so posting that here.... ( I don't claim the verity of things.. but if this is true.. then on who's name we are rechristening our streets,hospitals,colleges ??? THINK!!! ) VERY INTERESTING HISTORY! ++++++++++++++++++++++++ At the very beginning of his book, 'The Nehru Dynasty', Astrologer K.N. Rao mentions the names of Jawaharlal's father and grandfather. Jawaharlal's father was believed to be Motilal and Motilal's father was one Gangadhar Nehru. We all know that Jawaharlal's only daughter was Indira Priyadarshini Nehru; Kamala Nehru was her mother, who died in Switzerland of tuberculosis. She was totally against Indira's proposed marriage with Feroze. Why? No one tells us that! Now, who is this Feroze? We are told by many that he was the son of the family grocer. The ...
mast likha hai bhai...
dis is d second poem of urs dt i read n cudnt resist postin a comment...keep up d gud work!!
nice ryt....liked the last stanza specially..