The longest Bath ...
I was standing under shower .. the chilled shots were nailing hard, with each and every drop i was being pushed towards the well of my memories.. the memories still in air like those particles during early days of childhood when we had that ground made of sand (ok!! i agree, we had no furnished ground at all, but i am suffering from diseases called as OPTIMISM and CONTENT... ). At that moment, if someone had asked me what i would like to be in my life.. i would have easily said ... "An officer in the bank in Gandhi Chowk ( A place which have a lots of landmarks like "Madhyamik school", "Dalluji's kachauri shop"... etcetera ... )which is having doors made of glass.. (Bank of Rajasthan .. being precisely ) ... Scientist may boast about the MAC speeds of their air crafts .. but i bet,we have something much faster than that .. and that is "wheel of time" ... ambitions, desires,dreams and situations changes drastically as soon as you blink your eyelid....